About Us
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About Us

文章来源:  |  发布时间:2017-02-21  |  【打印】 【关闭

Tianjin Engineering Technology Research Institute (TETRI), established by Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Suzhou Institute of Biomedical Engineering and technology (SIBET), primarily conducts research and development (R&D) in bio-medical equipment, bio-medical reagents and bio-materials to meet the demand of the market.


What We Do

TETRI’s business scope includes technology development and consultation, medical information sourcing and intellectual property management. In order to help reduce risks in new technology projects and improve the success rate of new startup enterprises, we provide offer supports to Dongli International Medical Equipment Industrial Park in knowledge and technology, an engineering testing platform and other comprehensive services.

Meanwhile, TETRI is committed to exploring a special business mode of applying R&D in the medical device industry, which entails efficient utilization of resources - knowledge, technology and capital to offer services from gathering research findings, running pilot production, products commercialization, and to market promotion. This new model driven by the market aims to promote sound development of the domestic medical instrument industry.


Our Vision and Mission

TETRI’s mission is to aid Dongli district in becoming a new industrial park with both R&D and business applications capacities while further promoting the growth of medical device industry. We look to soon establish ourselves as a reputable base, with noticeable influence in China, for integrating advanced medical apparatus technology from worldwide.




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地址:天津市东丽区五经路 国际医疗器械产业园 4号楼  邮编:300399
电话:022-84993258 传真:022-84993258 E-mail:gm@sibet.cn